NO is the answer if you are found guilty of drink driving, drug driving or refusing a test. There is no such thing as a work licence in Victoria for persons found guilty of drink driving or drug driving offences. There are persons driving in Victoria on work licences but they were guilty of other types of driving offences such as speeding, careless driving or mobile phone offences. What is confusing to many is they see TV reports of work licences being given but they are not drink drivers or drug drivers. Also the reports are often drivers in other states where it is possible to obtain a work licence. So dont be misled.  There is no such thing as a work licence in Victoria for drink driving or drug driving.

YES is the answer if you are charged with driving suspended, driving disqualified or a low reading under .05% then I may be able to obtain a work licence for you. Please call  0412 407 577  for expert legal advice if this is you.drug-driving